Thursday 16 September 2010

First Saturday

After about an hour of pondering I decided to do some exploring around the neighbourhood. I was quite familiar with the part of the neighbourhood where McDonalds is (they kept me alive for the first week) and decided to head in the opposite direction. The place I found across from the apartment was quite amazing. It is called Ulsan Sports Complex, and consists of a stadium, a lake and a beautiful park surrounding the lake. I only explored half the park, because it was insanely humid and the slightest movement would make you sweat like a pregnant fairy. Seriously, even blinking your eyes was enough exercise to make you want to take a shower.

This route goes all the way around the lake and it is worth the effort.

To my surprise I came across some exercise equipment for those who feel that walking in this insane heat doesn't build enough sweat.

I mean really, where would you get this in South Africa. I'm not criticising, just wondering.

View of the lake through the trees.

I noticed all the lights on the route and thought that this might actually be even more beautiful at night. 

For those who get tired along the way, don't worry. There are plenty of shaded places to rest.

The site of the whale and swan paddle boats stirred an excitement in me that made me feel like a little boy again.
This is definitely on my list of things to do here.

After climbing an insane amount of steps, which I realised is actually an amphitheatre, I had a beautiful view of the lake and the fountain.

Ulsan Football Stadium.

This is only one of many big rocks around Ulsan that greet you with the name of the destination.

Another shady resting place.

This is the entrance to the tunnel for pedestrians that want to get on the other side of the busy road.

At first I thought that it might just be overkill to make the tunnel so big, but then realised that when a crowd is leaving the stadium you kind of need the space. Silly me!
This was some experience and I didn't even do the whole route. I decided to head back home to enjoy the wonderful inventions called airconditioning and Coca Cola.

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